Thursday, March 28, 2013


I recently came across some beautiful leather rings and thought it'd be a fun project to try. Here's a little somethin' somethin' when you feel like getting your craft on.

You'll need: 
4-5 inches of leather cord (depending on the size of your ring)
10 inches of string
Super glue

First, using the leather cord, create a loop and measure the size of your desired 'ring' finger. Pinning down the loop, take your string and start wrapping it around the looped leather cord.
It should look something similar to this

You want to make sure the string is pulled taut after each wrap. After winding the string about 20 times or so, tie a double knot and seal it with some super glue -- just so it doesn't unravel. Once that's in place, you'll want to snip off the excess ends of the leather cord and string. And there you have it!

Here's me getting fancy with a gold bead..

Have an amazing bunny-filled weekend. :)

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